trešdiena, 2013. gada 3. aprīlis

Great debate education opportunity in Latvia

The Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga) Debate Society will host the second Debate Academy in the Baltics from May 31 to June 2. The event will gather successful debaters and adjudicators from all around Europe, who will give valuable workshops for participants with different levels of debating experience. The event will end with a tournament, putting the new knowledge in practice.

The Debate Academy will last for 3 days and will consist of 7 workshops held in 4 parallel rooms for various ability levels and a mini tournament (4 rounds and finals)

More about
Debate Academy here and

If you want to participate and represent VUAS DC (Vidzemes Augstskolas Debašu klubu) in Debate Academy please contact with us

2 komentāri:

  1. Pieteikties aicinām arī tos spējīgos ViA studentus, kas līdz šim vēl nav bijuši pietiekoši drosmīgi pievienoties ViA DK. Iesaku pieteikties laicīgi, ViA DK apmaksāto pārstāvju skaits ir ierobežots.

  2. Esam nokomplektējuši ViA DK pārstāvnievību. Debašu Akadēmijā sevi pilnveidos Kristīne Guļa, Artis Spertāls, Māris Klūga un es. Nākamajā semestrī ceru uz veiksmīgu zināšanu pārnesi.
